Learn Microsoft Azure by Doing:How to create a virtual network connection in Azure?
Looking to Create a Virtual Network connection in Microsoft Azure? Well, you’ve come to the right place! In this guide, we’ll use the Azure portal to do that, let’s start !
What is Azure Virtual Network (VNet) ?
- VNet is the fundamental building block for your private network in Azure.
- VNet enables many types of Azure resources, such as Azure Virtual Machines (VM), to securely communicate with each other, the internet, and on-premises networks.
- VNet is similar to a traditional network that you’d operate in your own data center, but brings with it additional benefits of Azure’s infrastructure such as scale, availability, and isolation.
Task Steps
Step 1: Create a Virtual Network
- Login into the portal using the URL https://portal.azure.com/
- Go onto the menu,down you’ll see those virtual networks,or you can search for it in the top search bar in the portal as well, so click Virtual Networks
3. Click either on Create up or click on Create right in the middle .
4. Create a new Ressource group and we’ll call this az900vnetrg and click OK.
5. Give your VNet a name ,we’ll call this az900vnet .
6. Pick an appropriate region and click on Next.
7. A virtual network has a range of IP addresses that are local to it ,so anything attached to this vnet such as a VM will have a local IP adress whithin an azure network (in this case it’s creating one with with a subnet mask of 16).
8. we need a subnet which is a range of IP adresses that falls whithin the adress space that we have just talked about,tick this suggested one called default.
9.Click Review + create to set up our virtual network and then click on Create.
10. Our vnet has been created!
Step 2: Create a VM and attached it to that VNet
- Go up to the menu to our virtual machines .
2. Click on Create .
3. Fill the needed values on the parameters as shown below and leave the rest as default .
4. Click on Next and Don’t change anything with disks,we’re interested in the networking component where we attach it to a VNet.
5. Leave all the networking parameters as default because they are already setup and then click on Review +create .
6.Click on Create.
7.There we go! Our deployment has succeeded.
8.Click on Go to ressource to see among all the properties,Now we have a public IP adress because that’s what we’re assigned,and it’s also on the az900vnet vnet .
Step 3: Clean up
- Go to Home.
- Go to Ressource groups .
- Go to the az900vnetrg and delete this ressource group with all of the assets that we have created here .
And here we’re !
You’re all done! Congratulations!
That’s all I have for today folks. Thank you for reading and/or following along! I hope this project was helpful and worth your while. Stay tuned for my next project on this journey into the cloud.
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